Delena is formally trained as a costume and scenic designer. Her practice also draws from skills and concepts in fine arts. Delena excels working in collaborative fields –like film and theater– because they resist total authorship. She specifically enjoys working in environments where collaborators fuel each other's work, and let disciplinary boundaries loosen. There are stories in every object and organism (including humans), whether explicitly told or not, and she is passionate about unearthing those experiences with every project. She believes this relentless curiosity results in rich designs that proliferate with life. Most recently, Delena has become interested in re-examining the meaning of materials, and finding the profound in the mundane.
Delena graduated with an MFA in Theatre Design and Technology from The University of Texas at Austin in 2020. She is currently based out of Chicago IL. Recent credits include costume design for; 12 Ophelias (UT Austin),  Giulio Cesare ( Chicago Summer Opera), Black Girl Love (VORTEX Rep.), and Women of _____ (UT Austin). Scenic design for; Everybody (UT Austin), Sow and Suckling (UT Austin), Fistful of Trespassing (UT Austin), Not Omaha(UT Austin). Production and costume design for Addict Named Hal (feature film by Lane Stanley). Delena received her bachelor’s degree in Theatre Technology and Design from Ball State University in 2012.

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